The game made its first public appearance at the 2005 Game Developer's Conference, and later, an appearance at the 2005 E3 show. Another reason was that it would require a large volume of flash ROM and would take a long time to save and read the data in order to save the voice files for Volvoice and Rec-Rec.
#Electroplankton rom windows#
They believed that if a save function had been included, then the game would have been used more as a tool, where the player must open several additional menus and windows or must input file names to save.

The developers considered including a save function, but opted not to because they wanted for the players to enjoy the game both extemporarily and viscerally. Nintendo president Satoru Iwata explained that the unusual reason why director Toshio Iwai's name appears directly on the game's packaging is because he alone had created it. Audience mode is like a demo mode, which simply allows the user to put down the system and enjoy a continuous musical show by all of the plankton, although the user can interact with the plankton just like in Performance mode. Performance mode allows the user to interact with the plankton through use of the stylus, touchscreen, and microphone. The game offers two game modes: Performance and Audience. The first edition of Electroplankton in Japan is bundled with a set of blue colored ear bud headphones. This game allows the player to interact with animated plankton and create music through one of ten different plankton themed interfaces. It was first released in Japan in 2005, and was later released in North America and Europe in 2006. Electroplankton ( Japanese: エレクトロプランクトン, Hepburn: Erekutoropurankuton) is an interactive music video game developed by indieszero and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo DS handheld video game console.